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The Brain A User's Manual Review

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Grab your nearest neuroanatomy text: this user's guide plots myriad courses through the brain's tracks and stations as Ratey (Psychiatry/Harvard Medical School) delivers the latest word on the underpinnings of perception, emotion, memory, thought, and other mental qualities. The User's Manual for the Brain $45.00 + $5.00 S&H = $50.00 Online Ordering — E-mail me a list of the products you want including your name, shipping address and telephone number and I will send you an invoice with the full cost of the products including shipping charges. May 19, 1994  It is an owner's manual - not detailed enough to let you build a brain, but a good enough overview of well-researched facts for any owner of a brain to be able to learn many, many important and useful things about the brain that they are. I strongly recommend it to.

The User's Manual for the Brain

The Complete Manual for
Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner Certification
Bobby G. Bodenhamer, D.Min.
L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.

L. Michael Hall, Ph.D. says concerning this manual, 'Dr. Bob Bodenhamer developed this manual for Running Your Own Brain over a seven year period as he taught NLP for Adult Education at Gaston College and conducted NLP Practitioner Certification training. From those practical contexts, he developed this manual to give people new to NLP a clear and understandable presentation.

Reviewers have noted this by saying, 'Readable, practical -- presents the heart and soul of NLP.' Part of what makes this work so readable includes: the 'text boxes' that emphasizes key point, introductions for each chapter, discussion questions at the end of each chapter, an extensive bibliography and glossary,

Here you will find NLP sequentially presented so that each section builds on the previous one. With a mixture of presentation, example, thought experiments, case studies, outlines, metaphors, etc. the manual trains both conscious and unconscious minds. For trainers, overhead mats of the material are available.

Cutting-Edge Material: This manual further includes the latest discoveries about submodalities and the Meta-States Model. No other manual anywhere incorporates these two items.'

I (BB) believe that the reader will find within these 400 plus pages the single most understandable and readable treatment of basic NLP available today. Because it has come out of seven years of actual training sessions of NLP, many of your questions will find answers. All techniques have exercises that follow to lead to behaviorial integration of the materials.

Table of Contents

How to Use This Manual


The Study of Excellence

The Experiential Nature of NLP

Formal Definition of NLP

Part 1: The NLP Model and Techniques

Chapter 1 - The Content of the Model: The Representational System

The Representational System Preference Test

Representational System Practice

Predicates and Process Words

Predicate List

Matching Predicate Exercise

Eye Accessing Cues

Eye Position Chart

Lead System

Mapping Eye Patterns Exercises

Characteristics of The Primary Rep System

Submodalities-The Sub-Qualities of the Modalities

Chapter 2 - Connecting With People: Building and Maintaining Rapport

Sensory Acuity

Direction for Group Work

Sensory Acuity Exercise

How to Gain Rapport: Matching & Mirroring

Mirroring Exercises

Difference Between Matching & Mirroring

Matching and Mirroring an Angry Person

Knowing When You Have Rapport

Chapter 3 - Perceptual Positions

The Fourth Perceptual Position

The Fifth Perceptual Position

Perceptual Positions Exercise

Aligning Perceptual Positions

Chapter 4 - NLP Presupposition For Building Resourcefulness

Keeping the Context in Mind

NLP's Theoretical Assumptive Presuppostions

The NLP Presuppositional Beliefs

Mental Processing Presuppositions

The map is not the territory.

People respond according to their maps.

Meaning operates context dependently.

Mind-and-body inevitably & inescapably affect each other.

Individual skills function by developing & sequencing representational system.


We respect the person's model of the world.

Presuppositions about human behavior/responses.

Person & behavior describe different phenomena.

Every behavior has utility and usefulness--in some context.

We evaluate behavior & change in terms of context & ecology.

Communicational Presuppositions

We cannot not communicate.

The way we communicate affects perception & reception.

The meaning of your communication lies in the response you get.

The one who sets the frame for the communication controls the communicating.

There is no failure, only feedback.

The person with the most flexibility controls things.

Resistance indicates the lack of rapport.

Learning--Choice--Change Presuppositions

The brain a user

People have the internal resources they need to succeed.

All communication should increase choice.

People make the best choices open to them when they act.

As response-able persons, we can run our brains & control our results.

Chapter 5 - NLP as a Communication Model: Excellence in Communicating

Three Qualities of Exceptional Communicators

Well-Formed Outcome Model

Stated Positively

Described in Sensory-Based Language

Self Initiated and Controlled

Appropriately Contextualized

Maintain Appropriate Secondary Gain

Build in Needed Resources

Ecological for the Whole System

Cartesian Coordinates

Additional Questions

Well-Formed Outcome Exercises

Overview of the NLP Communication Model

Facets of Communication

Communication Dimensions

Chapter 6 - Framing for Resourcefulness

Part I - Using Different Frames of Reference

Backtrack Frame

'As If' Frame

The 'Agreement' Frame

Part II - Dissociative Frame for Handling Criticism

Part III - Dissociative Frame for Phobias and Trauma

Fast-Phobia Cure Simplified

Other Editing Tools

Chapter 7 - The Art of State Management

1st State Understanding

2nd State Awareness

3rd State Alteration

4th State Utilization

The Pattern

The Skill of Elicitation

Part II: The NLP Language Model

Chapter 8 - The Meta-Model of Language

Deep Structure/Surface Structure






    Mind Reading


    Complex Equivalence



The Brain A User's Manual Review Form

    Universal Quantifiers

    Modal Operators

    Lost Performative


    Simple Deletions

    Comparative Deletions

    Lack of Referential Index

    Unspecified Verb

The Meta-Model of Language Chart

The Extended Meta-Model

    Identity/Identification (Id.)

    Static Words (Signal Words, SW)

    Over/ Under Defined Terms (O/U)

    Delusional Verbal Splits (DVS)

    Pseudo-Words (PW)

    Multi-Ordinality (MO)



The MM of Language-Extended Chart

Linguistics Today

Chapter 9 - Hypnosis-Part I - The Misunderstood Nature of So-Called 'Hypnosis'

Defining Hypnosis

The Conscious/Unconscious Mind

Altered States and Trance

Trancing Ourselves to Face the Inner Darkness

The Feeling of Trance

'Hypnosis' As Poetry

The Six-Step Reframe Extended

So How Does 'Hypnosis' Work?

Chapter 10 - Hypnosis - Part II - The Milton Model

Tag Questions

Pacing Current Experience

Double Binds

Conversational Postulate

Extended Quotes

Selectional Restriction Violation

Phonological Ambiguities

Syntactic Ambiguity179

Scope Ambiguity

Punctuation Ambiguity


Embedded Commands

Analogue Marking

Linkage Language



Adverbial Clause or Implied Causatives

Summary Page of Milton Model Language

Steps In Communicating

Chapter 11 - Hypnosis - Part III - Storying, Metaphor, Analogy

Transderivational Searches

Displacing Referential Indexes


Transforming Meaning Using Metaphor

Connecting Present State with Desired State



Utilizing Reframing within Metaphors

Unspecified Verbs, Nominalizations, Embedded Commands & Analogue Marking

Unspecified Verbs


Embedded Commands

The Attractiveness of Metaphors

Boiler Factor Metaphor

Metaphor Analysis

Constructing a Metaphor

The Basics Steps in Generating a Metaphor

Metaphor Exercises

Building Associations


The Brain A User's Manual Review And Answers

Therapeutic Metaphor

Chapter 12 - Satir Categories: Adding Variety to your Communication

The Categories


Example of Replies

Satir Categories in Public Speaking

Part III: The NLP Neurology Model

Chapter 13 - Anchoring: Managing Neurology

Sample User's Manual

The Stimulus-Response Concept

What do we mean by 'An Anchor?'

Warning: 'Negative Anchors Present'

Anchoring Forgiveness

Consciously Anchoring in Therapy

Developing the Art of Anchoring Effectively

Four Keys to Anchoring


State Intensity



Five Steps to Anchoring

    Establish Rapport

    Explain the Process

    Elicit and Anchor the Desired Response

    Break State



    Anchoring States 1

    Anchoring States 2

    Transderivational Search (TDS)

    TDS and Limiting Feelings

    Uptime Self-Anchor

    Intime Self-Anchor

    Circle of Excellence

    Collapsing Anchors: Integrating Parts

    Change Personal History

    Change Personal History Through the Eyes of The Meta-States Model

    Collapsing Visual Anchors: Overcoming Doubt

    Chaining Anchors

    Stage Anchoring

    The Visual Squash Pattern

Chapter 14 - Introduction to Submodalities

    Submodality Checklist

    Therapeutic Interventions Using Submodalities

    SBMD Exploration Exercise

    'The Cure' for Headaches and Other Uncomfortable Feelings

    Mapping Across with SBMD

    Time Line SBMD endspan -->How Your Brain Tells Time

    Time Line SBMD Exercise

    Godiva Chocolate Pattern

    The Swish Pattern

    Belief Formation Change Pattern

    Grief/Loss Pattern

Part IV: Advanced Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Chapter 15 - Strategies - Part 1 - Identifying the Pieces of Subjectivity

NLP -- A Model of Models

The Philosophy/Epistemology of NLP

The Components of Subjectivity

Map-Making: Creating Maps for Charting Territory




Modeling that Creates Strategy Maps

Strategies - Part 2 - The NLP Strategy Model

'Once Upon a Time There Was a Stimulus- Response Model . . .'

'And then the S-R Grew Up Into a T.O.T.E.'

NLP Enriched the TOTE and Created 'Strategies'

Mastering 'The Strategy Model'

Strategy Elicitation

Unpacking Strategies as They Zoom By

Designing Strategies

Designing New and Better Strategies

Utilizing Strategies

Installation of Strategies

New Distinctions

Strategies - Part 3 - More on Strategies

Strategy Elicitation

Eliciting Decision Strategies

Strategy Elicitation through Backtracking

Potential Problems with Decision Strategy

Pointers in Elicitation


The Spelling Strategy

Decision Strategy

Motivation Strategy

Learning Strategy

Chapter 16 - An Introduction to The Techniques of Time Line Therapy™

Anglo-European and Arabic Time

Difficulty Eliciting the Time Line

Parts Reframe

Through Time and In Time

Developmental Periods

Imprint Period

Modeling Period

Socialization Period

The Brain A User's Manual Review Youtube

Presenting Problem

Memory Management: Experiencing Your Time Line

Ipod User's Manual

Deleting Memories with the Fast Phobia Cure

Replacing Memories with the Swish Pattern

Steps Into The Techniques of Time Line Therapy™

Establish Rapport

Gathering Information

The Brain A User's Guide Review

Going From Effect to Cause

Dissociate From the Problem

Scramble the Strategy

Discover the Root Cause

Letting Go of Negative Emotions: Using The Techniques of Time Line Therapy™

    Experiencing Your Time Line: Letting Go of Negative Emotions

    When the Emotions Won't Let Go

    When the Emotions Haven't Disappeared During Testing


Glossary of Terms

The User's Manual for the Brain $45.00 + $5.00 S&H = $50.00

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Bobby G. Bodenhamer
1516 Cecelia Dr.
Gastonia, NC 28054
Fax: 704.864.1545

©1997-2006 Bobby G. Bodenhamer and L. Michael Hall. All rights reserved.

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